Unstructured Thoughts

Plausible Deniability in JavaScript

Plausible deniability is a wonderful characteristic to have. It would be nice to never have to choose between freedom and Freedom even when under a deluge of subpeonas and warrants. Most developers believe they can never achieve this lofty goal, choosing instead to leave themselves and their users vulnerable and exposed. I believe this is both wrong and unnecessary. To prove my point I created blowfish.js, a simple and secure client-side encryption library. Building on blowfish.js, I developed ByteHaven, an example of zero-knowledge file storage.


Until recently, browser-based encryption was seen as merely a nice artificial benchmark to stress JavaScript engine’s bit operations. Now, Emscripten and asm.js have opened up the possibility for bringing encryption out of the bencharks and into real-world applications. I show a small sliver of this potential in blowfish.js, an Emscripten-ized port of OpenSSL’s Blowfish implementation. In benchmarks my library demolishes the competition, completing in milliseconds what once took minutes. My intent with blowfish.js was to create a platform for building secure applications easily and to inspire people to some day Emscripten-ize all of OpenSSL. You can find the library at http://github.com/hobinjk/blowfish.js.


While blowfish.js is nice, “once you kill a cow, you got to make a burger.” The burger in this case is ByteHaven. ByteHaven is a file sharing similar to MegaUpload, 4shared, and FileSmelt. Unlike these tantalizing RIAA and MPAA targets, ByteHaven never stores illegal information of any kind. Before the file is transmitted to the server, it is put through blowfish.js with a user-provided key, turning it into a generic blob of bytes. The blobs stored server-side are nothing but random information. If a user provides a key which transforms a certain blob to a certain trove of confidential government documents, it is entirely out of my hands. As the server administrator, all I have access to is a series of encrypted files. If the NSA wants my data, they can have it; it is meaningless without the users’ keys.

I hope that I have shown with blowfish.js and ByteHaven that we are no longer at the mercy of our browsers, our ISP’s, or our web services. With good enough crypto we can reclaim our privacy and breathe easy once more.

ByteHaven is currently running and available at http://bytehaven.org. If you want to see how it works, check out ByteHaven’s source code here or blowfish.js’s here.

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