Unstructured Thoughts

Untangling WebSockets

I have a confession to make. I enjoy reading RFCs. I love the ascii-art technical diagrams, the ruthless exposition of edge-cases, and the frenzied all-caps MUST, REQUIRED, and SHALL.

In my day job, I work on a system that relies on websockets to function. It’s effectively a ten-thousand line switchboard for websocket connections that happens to have an augmented reality interface. I decided to read RFC 6455, The WebSocket Protocol, to make sure that I had the best possible handle on the internal plumbing of my work.

The most critical concept the RFC specifies is that WebSockets are an upgrade of an existing HTTP connection. This means that any information sent over websockets will be subject to all of the guarantees and limitations of TCP. First, the information will always arrive in the exact same order that it was sent. Second, it will never fail to cross the information superhighway and arrive at its destination. However, this reliability can slow down the connection, especially when the network is low quality. I had assumed that websockets were a separate UDP connection when I used them for low-latency multiplayer in Spaaaaace. It turns out that I was just lucky to never run into slow networks while testing that game. Agar.io and other, larger games likely have to care much more about websocket performance.

The second realization I had was that socket.io and other websocket libraries hide an incredible amount of features. WebSockets have special modes for sending binary information, continuing large messages, and keeping idle connections alive. These bells and whistles feel like a great place to look at for extra efficiency and performance in the future.

Finally, I realized that it would be possible for me to create an implementation of the WebSocket protocol. I had previously read most of the documentation for QUIC but after I produced a frame parser I got stuck trying to figure out how to perform a proper cryptographic handshake. The WebSocket protocol has just enough complexity to be interesting while not requiring a comprehensive education in network protocols. My implementation project turned into tokio-websocket, a labor of love which I will cover in an upcoming post.

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