Unstructured Thoughts

Low-level Optimization in a High-level Language

A year ago I took Performance Engineering Optimization. The first lecture launched into a study of matrix multiplication. Starting with a simple python program, the professor ran through a series of optimization techniques that sped up the program by a factor of 52,479. However, the first step in this process was to switch to C. I began wondering what would happen if we had stayed with Python or another high-level language. I have finally followed through with JavaScript. Read on for a whirlwind tour of low-level optimizations and a few JavaScript-specific tricks.

Base Code

12330 ms

No optimization would be complete without a naive implementation to poke and prod into a perfected program. In this case, it is a simple triply-nested for loop performing the multiplication of two 1024 by 1024 matrices.

function matMul(a, b, c) {
  var n = 1024;
  for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) {
      for (var k = 0; k < n; k++) {
        c[i][j] += a[i][k] * b[k][j];

Testing Methods

The performance testing code initializes a, b, and c once and then runs four warmup runs followed by sixteen measured runs. Note that only the first run is a true matrix multiply because c is not reset to 0. This has no effect on performance. The warmup runs were intended to limit the effect of JIT warmup on the time. Even though this was clever at the time, this discarding had no significant effect on test results. This is especially true after my switch from average time to minimum time. The minimum more accurately represents the peak performance of the code and obsoletes the warmup period.

Firefox Nightly was used for all test runs on a 4 core 2.6 GHz i7 with 16 GB 1600 MHz RAM. 1024 by 1024 matrices were used to provide a balance between fast execution and reliable results.

Using Globals

9160 ms: 1.35x

The first concern I noticed was that the performance recording showed that there were five incremental garbage collections during the run. I assumed that this was due to either function parameter passing or closures involving some amount of copying, even though arrays are passed by reference. The 3000 ms saved confirms this hypothesis.

Typed Arrays

7830 ms: 1.57x

Switching from a basic JavaScript Array to the specialized and pre-allocated Float64Array yielded a significant speedup while requiring almost no actual work. As any Haskell fanatic will tell you, the easiest way to improve a program is to embed more type information. In this case, a Float64Array improves the memory locality of the matrices.

Aggregated Typed Arrays

7315 ms: 1.69x

The previous matrix representation was an Array of Float64Arrays. I expected that this would have significant overhead. This led me to my next optimization, storing each matrix as a single Float64Array with manually computed indexing. While computing the index as i * n + j yielded no improvement, calculating the index as (i << LOG_N) | j yielded the slight speedup.

for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) {
    for (var k = 0; k < n; k++) {
        // Aggregated
        c[i * n + j] += a[i * n + k] * b[k * n + j];
        // Logical + Aggregated
        c[(i << LOG_N) | j] += a[(i << LOG_N) | k] * b[(j << LOG_N) | k];


2900 ms: 4.25x

I decided to move on from high-level quibbles and get into the cache-level optimizations I had learned in the Performance Engineering lecture. The first of these is transposition. A standard matrix multiplication works by going across the rows of one matrix and down the columns of the other. Like a person raised reading English, modern CPUs are good at reading left-to-right and bad at reading top-to-bottom. This optimization transposes (rotates and flips) the second matrix so that the computer can read both input matrices left-to-right.

Note that this uses standard aggregated indices for clarity:

for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) {
    for (var k = 0; k < n; k++) {
      c[i * n + j] += a[i * n + k] * b[j * n + k];


2950 ms: 4.18x

Another low-level optimization intended to improve cache usage, tiling splits the matrix into submatrices that are intended to fit entirely within the processor’s cache. Unfortunately, this optimization had no actual effect, serving as a cautionary tale for pushing low-level tricks into high-level languages.

for (var ih = 0; ih < n; ih += tileSize) {
  for (var jh = 0; jh < n; jh += tileSize) {
    for (var kh = 0; kh < n; kh += tileSize) {
      for (var il = 0; il < tileSize; il++) {
        for (var jl = 0; jl < tileSize; jl++) {
          for (var kl = 0; kl < tileSize; kl++) {
            c[((ih | il) << LOG_N) | (jh | jl)] +=
                a[((ih | il) << LOG_N) | (kh | kl)] *
                b[((jh | jl) << LOG_N) | (kh | kl)];


665 ms: 18.54x

The lecture next covered vectorization, the art of performing a Single Instruction on Multiple Data (SIMD). Vectorization was recently implemented in Firefox Nightly and does not yet exist in any other browsers. Always wanting to explore new possibilities, I put together a simple use of the SIMD API to vectorize the matrix multiplication, allowing it to work on two values at once.

With SIMD.Float64x2 this was sadly the slowest optimization, clocking in at a 47x decrease in performance. However, this doesn’t doom the SIMD API. Float32x4, which works on four values at once instead of two, delivered an 18x speedup. While the youthful SIMD API has some rough patches, it is still impressively powerful.

for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	for (var jh = 0; jh < n; jh += 4) {
		for (var k = 0; k < n; k += 4) {
			for (var jl = 0; jl < 4; jl++) {
				var simdC = SIMD.Float32x4.load(c, (i << LOG_N) | jh);
				var simdA = SIMD.Float32x4.load(a, (i << LOG_N) | k);
				var simdB = SIMD.Float32x4.load(b, ((jh + jl) << LOG_N) | k);
				var simdMul = SIMD.Float32x4.mul(simdA, simdB);
				var simdCPlusAB = SIMD.Float32x4.add(simdC, simdMul);
				SIMD.Float32x4.store(c, (i << LOG_N) | jh, simdCPlusAB);


215 ms: 57.35x

At this point the only remaining speedup covered in the lecture is parallelization. In C this involves wrangling threading libraries and in JavaScript this means dealing with WebWorkers and array copying. I opted for a simple hard-coded split-into-four approach in which each worker produces one quarter of the output. This exceeded my expectations, showing the extensive optimizations in the browser for passing Arrays to WebWorkers.

Wrapping Up

While a 57x speedup sounds impressive on paper, what is more important is that all of these techniques work. Using “port it to C” as the holy grail of optimization is simplistic and limiting when low-level rewrites and JavaScript implementation tricks are available.

JavaScript doesn’t have to be slow.

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