Whisper of Jormag Guide

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Welcome to my guide to the Whisper of Jormag! This latest strike mission is more complex than previous bosses but there’s plenty of rime and reason to its mechanics. As long as you make sure to chainge your positioning you’ll be this fight’s champion before it begins to drag on.

Floor Icicles

The Whisper’s first attack is a set of floor icicles. These icicles will catapult you into the air, forcing you to glide or take a negligible hit of damage.

Spreading Ice

Next, we have its most dangerous attack during this phase. Spreading Ice will target every player with an expanding circle. After a delay this circle will explode, dealing heavy damage to yourself and any other players in your circle. The damage from two or more circles will down you so everyone needs to make sure to spread out and be ready to heal. To make things easier, you can dodge your own circle’s damage to avoid its explosion. However, note that you can’t evade other people’s circles. If you want to dodge, make sure that you’re spread out enough to be able to dodge safely.

Green Circle Orb

The Whisper will periodically summon green circles centered on one player that require your party to stack with them to survive. These function the same as their counterparts at the Ox Shrine and Drakkar. With five or more people standing in the circle they will be safely soaked. With four or fewer they will do more and more damage when they explode, eventually resulting in downing your entire party.

Low Threat Attacks

The Whisper will also be throwing balls and creating tornadoes throughout the fight. These do negligible damage. Just don’t stand in them for too long and you’ll survive.

Phase Transition: Mirror Images

At 75% you’ll be teleported onto an ice-olated platform to kill your mirror image. Burst down your clone to return. Once back, you can help by killing any leftover clones.

Chains of Frost

When the Whisper returns it will start casting chains of frost on three players. A timer will appear over the target players’ heads and fill up over two seconds with a white chain appearing as a warning. The chains will then spawn, turning purple and dealing heavy ticking damage to any players touching them. These dangerous purple chains will stick around for around six seconds then the cycle will repeat with another three randomly selected players.

If you have a chain try not to make any sudden movements and only move along the length of the chain. Take care to not drag your chain on top of your unsuspecting party members.

If you don’t have a chain, look where the chained players are and try to move a small distance away. Safety is everyone’s responsibility.

Frigid Vortex

The Whisper will occasionally stop and gain a defiance bar while summoning a blizzard that does heavy ticking damage. Use your special action skill and any other crowd control skills to break its bar and stop the damage.

Final Phase

At 25% you’ll again be teleported to kill your mirror image. Upon returning to the boss get ready to spread out for the boss’s last additional mechanic, Slithering Rime.

Slithering Rime

Slithering Rime is a deadly ability telegraphed by six arrows arranged in a snowflake appearing under the Whisper. Shortly afterwards the Whisper begins shooting out a hail of ice spheres that explode in a large circle on contact, dealing heavy damage to anyone within the circle. While it’s not too difficult to dodge these circles if you stand back from the boss, a particularly strong option is to keep pets, minions, and clones attacking the boss. Your fearless NPC allies will intercept the spheres, exploding them before you’re in any danger. After the cast of Slithering Rime is complete, it’s safe to return to the boss to share boons and healing.

Low Threat Attacks

During this phase the Whisper will also be throwing out icebrood construct style knockback sweeps which deal a small amount of damage but are still annoying. They can be dodged, blocked, or ignored.

Quieting the Whisper

From this point onwards, all mechanics will repeat with occasional overlaps. Keep a weather eye out for chains, stack in green orbs, and run away from arrow snowflakes. Once you get accustomed to these mechanics victory will be yours.

Miscellaneous Notes

Be careful using skills with a teleportation component (e.g. revenant sword 3) during the Mirror Images phase as they may cause the boss to bug out. If it’s clear that nobody is going to help with the green orb, it may be better to run to as far away from the group as you can since its explosion has a limited (but still large) radius.

Apologies to people with a sense of common decency and Mizzteq for the puns in this guide.